Daily scanning and inventory

We enumerate your external attack surface every single day, and maintain a real time asset inventory enriched with organisational context.

Discover new systems and shadow IT

We find all of your online assets, including the ones you don't know about.

Continuous monitoring and assessment

Our team of penetration testing experts continuously assess your systems, and relentlessly hunt your online environment for threats and vulnerabilities.

Detect every single change 

When any of your systems change, we detect it and one of our experts makes an immediate assessment.

Monitor your threat environment

We monitor your threat environment and watch vendor notifications to deliver relevant and actionable insights. This enables you to proactively deploy countermeasures.

More features

  • Quickly identify your exposure to emerging vulnerabilities

  • Monitor your DNS for changes

  • Group and categorise your online assets

  • Web portal and dashboard reporting

  • Identify potential phishing and typosquatting domains

  • Customise alerts to monitor critical systems more closely

Find out more

Get in touch

Learn more about how SurfaceX integrates with your organisation's security ecosystem to deliver continuous risk reduction outcomes.